Friday, June 09, 2006

Sweet Mia

i never knew being a mom would be so great! i'm having the time of my life. i expected it to be wonderful, but there's so much more to it than i expected. it seems as though everyday, there's something new. she's so observant - she just picks up on things so quickly. i'll do things once or twice and before you know it, she's got it down! she loves the whole "patty cake" thing. when she "rolls it up", she puts her hands together, locks her fingers and rolls her hands at the wrist (kinda like when you imitate a fish swimming in water with your hands). that might not make sense, but let me just tell you now - it's the cutest thing in the world!

she's just about to walk - no, i take that back...sprint. i truly believe that she will go straight from crawling to sprinting! that girl is so active and what a wiggle worm she is!

we spent some time with gramma today. she drove us around town, just running errands. we went to an indian boutique and of course i picked up a few things for miss mia. we then went next door to the indian grocer and bought some cookies for mia - the kind she ate in india. bud called and wanted us to go to his work and show off his little niece. i was happy to do so! he's a proud uncle!

we will be dedicating her at church next sunday...yes, on father's day. how about that! i got her right before mother's day and we will dedicate her on father's day. perfect, huh?

1 comment:

Nadra said...

Absolutely LOVE the picture. Don't you just wonder what's going through her little mind?

I'm excited that you'll be doing her dedication on Father's Day. What a special time for all of you, but for Dustin's first Father's Day....that's the best.

Sending hugs your way.
