Friday, May 12, 2006

The City of Her Birth...

i don't even know how to describe what we've seen today. people can tell you about india and try to prepare you, but nothing can prepare you for what you will see. it's a glorious city, and amazingly different than anything i've experienced. i have great love for this city, but it saddens me at the same time. from the first moment we arrived, one thing stood out...every living creature in this city seems to be fighting for survival.

we had an overwhelming experience at an outdoor market today. we gave our driver, nayeem, the address of a cool and safe market so we could get some shopping done. well, he ended up taking us to another market (i'm sure his friends own the shops). we were bombarded with beggars from the time we stepped out of the cab until we rushed back in. one particular elderly woman followed me for blocks, just tapping my arm and begging for something. everything in us wants to help, but we have been strongly urged not to give out money on the street...there's a chance you could get mobbed. so we practically sprinted from shop to shop. there is SO much more to this story, but i can't really go into it now.

this was our only day to do shopping, because once we have mia we are not allowed (and shouldn't) go out in public. now i understand why.

well, tonight's the last night that the tucker's will be a 2 member family...tomorrow we become three! our 2 1/2 year "labor" is finally coming to an end! how am i supposed to sleep tonight? we called anju today and she wants us to come by the orphanage at 11:00. so those of you still up at 11:00, send up a little prayer for the two of us and mia.

we love all of you...i will post again as soon as mia allows!


Nadra said...

Angie & Dustin,

We're thinking about you guys. Glad that you made it safely. Looking forward to the next post when the Tucker Family becomes a threesome.

Love you guys.

Nadra, Charlie & Ian

chuck said...

Dustin & Ang-
So good to get an update from you. We are praying constantly for you. The moment is getting so close when you get to meet your daughter! Can't wait. Love you and thinking of you.
Love- Chuck & Sarah

Shaunna said...

I'm so happy you guys made it safely. It's wonderful to hear news from you. I've been thinking of you a lot. Can't wait for your next post!


Lindsay Mack said...

Ang & Dustin,

We are so excited to meet Mia. I can't even imagine how excited you and Dustin must be! Hope you post again soon and hurry home!

Deed & Cody