Monday, August 14, 2006

Crustaceans and Curls

last thursday, sarah and i took mia to tulsa to visit the oklahoma aquarium. we had a great time. mia fussed quit a bit on the way, but by the time we arrived, she was ready to go. we stopped for lunch at zio's, did a little bit of shopping then headed to the aquarium.

it's a wonderful aquarium. i really wish they had something like that closer to our home. kids just eat up stuff like that, and i know that mia will enjoy it even more when she's older.

mia loved waving to the fish, but was a little leery when the bigger fish passed by (as you can see, she holds on tight to mom as the big fish approach)!

the longer mia's hair gets the curlier it gets. i just had to throw in a pic of those cute little curls.


Moushette said...

Hi Angie !

I know those curls by heart ! They are the same ones as the ones on my daughters's head, lol !!! Now her hair is longer, but when it was short, it looked just like Mia's !

Adoption Blog said...

What a Dol Mia is!!!

How I wish we had an aquarium nearby...

Talking of fish, Bhavishya loves the water so's so funny! When I put her down for bed tonight she made me understand she needed to go to the bathroom...when I pointed her the toilet she said no and pulled me towards the bath tub and started stripping down! I told Mark our daughter is half a Monkey half a fish! LOL

Thank you for your sweet post on my blog ;-)

I look forward to reading more about Mia's progress...


Adoption Blog said...

Hi Angie,

Long time no hear!?! How are y'all doing?

Hope all is ok...pls drop us a line...