Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Two more days...

We found out we will definitely not be traveling before Friday. Which I am sure works out for the best.

Last night was a pretty good night. She only woke up once. She is doing so well, I cannot wait for you all to see her. She is playing more and talking up a storm. She crawls everywhere and pulls herself up on the coffee table and on us and stands around (she will be walking soon). :o) :o(

Yesterday was good for the two stir-crazy parents. We were able to go to a nice government run market that was indoors and air-conditioned. We found lots of nice things to bring back. It was very good to leave the hotel and experience more of Kolkata. Mia was an absolute angel the whole trip. She smiled a lot and ended up sleeping in the sling around my waist. Our driver was the best yet. His name was Apaul (sp). He showed us a picture of his little girl Soonjeeta (sp). He was as proud of her as we are of Mia.

We took some pics of some roofers on top of the building next door. They were working very hard and it is very hot. We thought that the guys on dad’s crew would like to see how it is done in India. Pretty high tech (ha, ha).

Well Uncle Boo, it is now your birthday here in Kolkata and Mia wants to say Happy Birthday. She cannot wait to tell you in person.

Shaunna, soon you will know and I am dying to find out. Make sure and let me know when you get the news! :o)

As always, we miss you all very much and cannot wait to see you. Keep sending your prayers, they are very much felt and needed. Love you all.


chuck said...

We love to hear the updates. We are constantly checking the blog and are so excited when you have posted. So glad you all got out and had a good experience. Are you reading the cards we sent w/ you? Did you get the Mother's Day card? Could not pass that up.

It has been our privilege to walk along side you every step of this amazing journey. We can't wait for the Tucker family of 3 to come back to OKC and settle in!

Everyone at church, small group, Standley's has been asking about you all! Lots of people praying for you and thinking of you. We love you and miss you and can't wait to meet Mia!

We are dying here- hurry home! Can't wait to lay our eyes on your beautiful daughter! Have a wonderful day mommy and daddy!!
Love Uncle Chuck & Aunt Sarah (PC)

Chuck and Amy are ready to teach Mia how to belly dance when she gets home! Call us again if you get a chance!!!

Nadra said...

So glad things are going well.

We had the same driver when we were there. I remember him talking about his daughter and showing us her picture. He was very helpful to us.

Can't wait to see Mia (and you guys too). She looks so cute in her pictures.

Try to get a little extra rest before that long trip home. We're thinking about you and praying for you daily.


Shaunna said...

Well, Ang we know what we're having now, but I think I'll wait to tell you in person when I get to meet Mia. I can't wait to see your beautiful daughter and share my news!

Love ya,


Shaunna said...

Let me be the first to say, that Mia is EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL than her pictures. She is so full of life and you can already tell that she knows EXACTLY who mommy and daddy are. You guys are a beautiful family, and I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!
