things that mia can do...
when you ask her where she was born, she says "india".
she knows her eyes, ears, nose, hair, tongue, teeth, knees, toes, chin, fingers, tummy and belly button.
on command she can, cry, laugh, be sad, be shy, and get angry - watch out hollywood!
she knows everything around the house and even tries to help me clean.
she also knows her animal sounds - a lion, cow, owl, doggie, cat, horse, turkey and baby chicks.
she knows who loves her: she says momma, dada, gramma, grampa, boo (uncle), hiley (aunt), nanna, pappa, danna (aunt), eddie (uncle), jason (cousin), sarah, chuck, aunt mimi (great aunt), g.g. (great gramma), paw (great grampa), she trying to say davie (great uncle) - we'll get there. she tries to say just about everything else.
she says thank you, please, waves and yells "HI" to every passing stranger in the stores & restaurants...and best of all...she says "i love you".
she does so much more and i'm sure i'll think of more later, but needless to say, we think she's a genius!
here are a few pics from the past few weeks...warning...beware of the vicious lion...
mia and i riding uncle dave's horse at the hall family hayride '06...
mia standing with her uncle boo and aunt hiley on the hayride...
mia loves her aunt hiley... aaarrrhhh.....
mia and i with sarah and our friend lily from croatia...we hope to see her again very soon!
a diva is born...notice the boa, sparkling high heels, necklace and the cell phone...